Get to Know St. Nick's!
Frequently asked questions
  • Who serves as clergy for your congregation?
    • At the present time St. Nick's is served by supply clergy, primarily Fr. Richard Yale. While the goal is to have a priest present every Sunday, right now we celebrate Holy Eucharist at least twice a month and Morning Prayer led by lay ministers when that is not possible.
  • Can I participate fully in the service if I am not an Episcopalian?
    • All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion. Those who are not yet baptized, or who choose not to receive communion, are encouraged to come forward during communion for a blessing.
  • Is there Sunday School and childcare available?
    • We do not have children in the congregation at this time but would love to have a reason for childcare and Sunday School!
  • How would I go about getting involved?
    • Join us on Sunday, stay for coffee hour, and get to know us. Share your areas of interest. We'd love to hear your ideas for how we can best serve the community here on the Ridge.